Thursday 16 January 2020


Hi there, I know it has been a while but I have been busy with work, Anyway let’s get down to business, On my last blog post, I talked about how fear can be a limiting factor and I related it to relationships and also career-wise. If you haven't read it, click the link below:

Fear can be a very great stumbling block and it usually stops us from realizing our potential, it is henceforth very important that we have the courage to overcome fear, It is said that courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to look fear in the face and have the ability to conquer it, now fear really transcends beyond the whole unpleasant emotion caused by a perceived danger or threat. It is basically in human nature to avoid emotions that terrify us, and on doing this, we limit our potential growth, It is indeed very important we try and overcome our fear.

1.     Acknowledge your fear: I will use myself as an example, I have discovered lately that I am always scared of striving for more, just because I am unsure of the outcome, I purposely remain in my comfort zone, anytime I want to try something new or something that has the potential to be worthwhile, I limit myself in my mind, and say fola, just stick to what you know, you cannot handle it, and just like that because of my thought, I lose a great opportunity, I can’t even begin to think the number of opportunities I have lost because of this. The first step in overcoming one’s fear is to acknowledge it, and go about looking for solutions.

2.     Know the cause of your fear: Fear, doesn’t just come up in a day, it is usually triggered by something, It might be a past experience, I know some people that have given up on relationships, just because their ex cheated on them, and they have not gotten past that, this is always funny to me because, I know for a fact that because your ex cheated on you, doesn’t mean the next person you date will do the same, or the fact that you failed one exam, doesn’t mean that you will fail the next exam you write. When faced with a challenge that requires you to step out of your comfort zone, you should welcome it, carry out your research so that you will be capable of rising above any challenge.

3.     Ascertain your Fear: The truth is usually our fears are not at all based on reality, it is based on what we think would happen in the future if, we try something. When faced with fear, we should always be rational and gather as much information about it, as we can, think about situations where we were able to conquer the fear of the unknown, and the benefit we were able to attain just because we did that.

4.     Failure is not the End: The main reason why we remain in our comfort zone is because we are scared of failure, We don’t attempt to learn that new course, learn that new skill, because of this. It should be known that great people like Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein at one point or the other failed, but they never let it stop them, they were able to move past their failure and keep trying, until they got it right, and up to today, their names are still relevant, Failure is never the end, and It should never stop us from achieving our goals.

In Conclusion, we should know that everybody at one point in his life has felt afraid when faced with uncertainty, nevertheless, it is what we do when faced with fear, that determines the outcome, Don’t let fear cause you to be stagnant in life, rise above it and live a life that at the end of the day will bring you fulfillment.


  1. I will really appreciate if you can follow by email, so you will get links to new posts directly, thanks for the support

  2. Great piece....Thanks for the knowledge

  3. Very good babe
    Very good👏👏

  4. Nice write up.. keep it up.

  5. Im really not much of a reader but this is honestly a really nice write -up, i love the fact that it was personalised to anybody.Keep it up dear.

  6. Thank you all for the comments, I really appreciate it


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